Misty river/霧深い運河(創作)
When I was young ,I thought that about tihs river

"What's an beutiful".


But I didn't know what it is.


I asked my father"Dad,what is this river?


He just answered"A ticket to the hell"


"The hell?...It's too scary.Well,why is it so beautiful?"


"Haha,beause you have a beautiful mined."Just he finished to say that,
he hold me tight.


"Oh sorry,now it's time to work..." Then,he've gone.


He is died on "World WarU".He's a crew of the Battle Sip YAMATO.


I scattered his remains with my mother to the river.


I remember that river was stangant only that day.


I heard it before the end of the war,the river is used to military supplies.


19/12/30 18:27更新 / 椛島康介



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