you 英語Ver.
I just want you
I'll sing about you in the night sky
Withdrawal you
I’ll take you out at night right
To this night

You’re just withdrawn
What are you scared of?
I’m not afraid of anything
It’s an overstatement
Dive into me
I’ll hug you at any time

Alone in a dark room
Stare at the bright screen
And the day is over

It’s hard to see you
spending such a day
I feel sad too

What it feels like...
It’s like sinking to the bottom of the deep sea

I won’t force you
Never do that
You are now in the dark
Disgusting thing, time,
people around,
You are fighting a lot of things like that

Every time I hug you, I almost cry
Your tears are a jewel that shines at night
The light is transmitted to my heat

I know why you have to fight
I don’t know about all the suffering you feel

I’m out now
I’ll sing for you in the moonlight
You don’t have to overdo tomorrow’s work
All right
Until now you worked hard

I’ll hug you forever
I’ll sing a gentle song under the moonlight

I lived because you were
21/05/23 23:38更新 / Mirror


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まろやか投稿小説ぐれーと Ver2.35c